ID: 26819
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negotiated price

For sale

Pozemok na stavebné účely na predaj, Nové Zámky

Location: Nové Zámky

10 400

1456 days
214 x
0 x
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Ponúkame na predaj pozemok o výmere 10392m2. Rozmer pozemku je 70x147m. Evidovaný je ako orná pôda. Nachádza sa v extraviláne pri obchodnom centre AQUARIO.
- Je vydaný predbežný súhlas na výstavbu RD.
- Pozemok je rovinatý, nie je oplotený
- IS sú všetky v blízkosti pozemku
- Dohoda na cene možná.



Electrical connection:close to the land
readiness to build:plan was issued
Water connection:in the vicinity of the land
Sewer connection:close to the land
The size of the land:width: 72 m, lenght: 145 m

Date of last update: 09.05.2023

I am interested in more information
According to the Act on the protection of personal data I agree with the processing of personal data (name, title, phone, e-mail) in the information system of the real estate Alpia, in order to prepare an offer for an indefinite period.

I have a better offer
According to the Act on the protection of personal data I agree with the processing of personal data (name, title, phone, e-mail) in the information system of the real estate Alpia, in order to prepare an offer for an indefinite period.

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